Vascular Clinic at JBN
This clinic has been formed to provide patients with better health care. Its focus is to identify and treat high risk patients such as those suffering from diabetes, hypertension, abnormal lipids, smoking and atherosclerosis (cerebral, cardiac and peripheral vascular disease). Vascular patients are treated according to evidence based protocols and accepted standards of practice. In addition to the specialist care, patients are offered a program of diet, exercise and pharmaceutical counseling to prevent cardiac disease and improve vascular health.
Take a minute to answer the following questions:
* Are you a man over 40?
* Are you a woman over 50?
* Have any of your close relatives been diagnosed with heart disease?
* Is your blood pressure elevated?
* Is your blood cholesterol abnormal?
* Do you have Diabetes?
* Do you smoke?
* Are you overweight?
* Do you lack exercise?
The more risk factors present, the higher the danger of developing a vascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in America. Heart attacks and strokes kill more people than all forms of cancer combined. Much of the cardiovascular disease can be prevented. Risk factors are extremely common. Some factors, such as age, family history of heart disease, and gender are beyond our influence.
However, blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, body weight, stress levels, smoking and sedentary lifestyle can and should be controlled. By giving up smoking, developing prudent eating and work habits, and exercising regularly, you can improve your cardiovascular health and can decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.