OHIP pays for my weight loss!

ohip pays for my weight loss

Yes! It is true that OHIP will pay for a multitude of weight loss treatments, counseling, coaching and education.

  • Dr. Berlingieri and his team of medical professionals are leaders in helping patients lose weight using the best medical practices available today.
  • You will get free access to state of the art medical equipment that will test your health, BMI, and many more important factors that will help the doctors create your personal weight loss plan of action.
  • All you need to do in order to find out more and get started is call Dr. Berlingieri’s office at 905-331-3101 ext. 3968
  • We look forward to hear from you.

Thank you for taking this first step,

Dr. Joseph Berlingieri

OHIP and Obesity

Obesity is identified as a major epidemic and a chronic disease by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and Health Canada. It is one of the biggest health risks to Canadians today.

The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, known to most of us as OHIP, is our provincial health care provider. Our government has been proactive in the treatment of obesity and has recently allocated significant additional dollars to its treatment.

Pounds for Health Medical Weightloss Clinic and Cardiovascular Research center, established in 2004. is designed to help patients achieve and sustain a healthier weight. The clinic conforms to the Canadian Consensus Guidelines for the treatment of unhealthy weight. Pounds for Health utilizes both medical and when necessary, surgical approaches to help patients achieve their weight loss goals. These interventions are fully OHIP funded. Programs are individualized to the patient and begin with lifestyle changes.

Pounds for Health is a medical specialist’s clinic, therefore patients must have a referral from a physician in order to attend the clinic. We accept patients through a range of weight categories from mildly overweight to severely obese.

In addition to OHIP covered care, Pounds for Health offers BEST – Bariatric Educational Sessions and Treatment. BEST is delivered by a team of multidisciplinary professionals including; Registered Dietitian, Psychotherapist, Kinesiologist and Self Empowerment motivational speaker. The program is optional and may be covered by your third party insurance plan.

Many medical problems such as Diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, Cancer, arthritis and others, can be improved with weight loss. Our goal is to help patients become healthier.